Project Z2 - Integrated Research Training Group
PIs: Prof. Dr. Andreas Engel, Prof. Dr. Jianwei Zhang, Prof. Dr. Xiaolan Fu
This project serves to continue and extend the graduate training programme on “Crossmodal learning” which has been established in the first funding period. The project involves a structured qualification programme, exchanges of students between German and Chinese partner labs, joint supervision, as well as joint teaching in annual summer schools. Moreover, this project supports integration within the TRR 169 by organizing activities and events that aim at discussing conceptual and theoretical perspectives on crossmodal learning. At Universität Hamburg, this graduate training programme structurally contributes to implementing links between graduate training programmes in the Dept. of Informatics, the Dept. of Psychology and the neuroscience graduate school that is currently being implemented by the Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS) at the UKE.